Published papers in Scientific Journals international

Published papers in Scientific Journals international

Published papers in Scientific Journals international:

M. Amini Dehaghi, M. and S. A. M. Modarese Sanavy, 2003. Effect of root – zone temperatures on morphology, growth and development, yield and yield components of annual medics, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 54:917-921.

K. Azizi, Amini Dehaghi, M. and H. Abbasipour, 2004. Effect of Different Air and Root-zone Temperatures on Nitrogen Fixation and Nodulation of Annual Medics, Journal of Agronomy, 3 (2):131-136. DOI: 10.3923/ja.2004.131.136

Y. Filizadeh, k. Agahi, Amini Dehaghi, M. Younesi, Z.  Khangholi, S. 2004.Competition of arrowhead in rice, Journal of Dieses and protection, 19. 

Amini Dehaghi, M. Rezaeinodehi, A. Khangholi, S. 2006. Allelopathic potential of Alliaria petiolata and Lepidium perfoliatum, two weeds of the Cruciferae family, Journal of Dieses and protection, XX.

A. Rezaeinodehi, S. Khangholi and Amini Dehaghi, M. 2006. Allelopathic potential of tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze) on germination and growth of Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Setaria glauca (L.). Journal of Dieses and protection, XX.

Tabatabaie, R. Amini Dehaghi, M. and S. Jafari, 2007. Effect of different soil temperatures on three annual medics. Journal of Agronomy, 6(3):427-432.

Amini Dehaghi, M.  Tabatabaie, R. and S. Jafari, 2007. Effect of exogenous Calcium Chloride on Sodium Chloride salt and cold resistances during seed germination stage of Medicago polymorpha, Journal of Agronomy, 6(4):554-559.

Gotbi, M. Amini Dehaghi, M. and M. Mointazeri, 2008. Comparison of two liquid Media in increasing virulence and desiccation tolerance of two isolates of Fusarium oxysporum for biocontrol of Orobanche aegyptiace. Journal of Dises and protection, XXI.

Amini Dehaghi, M. and A. MollFilabi, 2010. Production technology for Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) on the basis of research findings. Acta Horticulture, 853. Doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.853.7

Amini Dehaghi, M. and A. MollFilabi, 2010. Effects of different rates of N fertilizer on physiological indices of growth and yield components of Cumin. Acta Horticulture, 853:83-92. Doi:  10.17660/ActaHortic.2010.853.7

A. Rezaeinodehi, Amini Dehaghi, M. and F. Ghanati, 2011. Stimulation of Taxol production by combined salicylic acid elicitation and sonication in Taxus baccata cell culture. International Conference on Life Science and Technology IPCBEE, 3: 193-197. (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore

Azizi, K. Daraei Mofrad, A. Heidari, S. Amini Dehaghi, M. and D. Kahrizi, 2011. A study on the qualitative and quantitative traits of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) in intercropping and sole cropping system under the interference and control of weeds in dry land farming conditions of Iran. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(1):13-20. Doi:  10.5897/AJB10.943

Amini Dehaghi, M.  and A. MollFilabi, 2011. Evaluation of Some Drought Resistance Criteria in Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) Landraces. Advances in Environmental Biology, 5(2):237-242.

Ganji Arjenaki, F. Amini Dehaghi, M.  and R. Jabbari, 2011. Effects of Priming on Seed Germination of Marigold (Calendula officinalis). Advances in Environmental Biology, 5(2): 276-280.

Jabbari, R. Amini Dehaghi, M.  Modares Sanavi, A. and K. Agahi, 2011. Nitrogen and Iron Fertilization Methods Affecting Essential Oil and Chemical Composition of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Medical Plant. Advances in Environmental Biology, 5(2):433-438.

K. Azizi, A. Zareh, S. Hidary and M. Amini Dehaghi, 2011. Effects of sowing date, planting method and cultivar on growth traits, seed yield and yield components of chickpea in dry farming condition. Research on Crops, 12(1): 87-98.

Ghotbi, M., Amini Dehaghi, M. and M. Ghotbi, 2011. Effect of nutritional regime on expression of pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum against Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers. International Journal of Agri Science, 1(4):210-231.

M. Wahsha, A. M. Al-Omari, K. Mostafavi, B. Raafat, M. Ghotbi, M. Ghotbi, H. R. Rouhi, M. M. Ramezani, Amini Dehaghi, M. and A. Moghaddam Khamseh, 2012. Modellistic Approach for Land Suitability – An Application to Maize. Journal of American Science, 8(5): 139-149.

Ghotbi, M., Rouhi, H.R., Amini Dehaghi, M.  Ghotbi M. and A. Moghaddam Khamseh, 2012. Mitigate Phelipanche aegyptiaca Pers. infestation considering natural environment conservation.  International Journal of Agri Science, 2(1): 62-77.

Amini Dehaghi, M.  Khosro, K.  Ghalavand, A. Modarres Sanavy, S. A. M., Edalatifard, L. and F. Etemadi, 2013. Effect of Some Agro Practices on Seed Bank, Establishment and Natural Regeneration of Annual Medics Advances in Bioresearch, 4 (1): 78 – 85.

Shakeri, E. Modarres Sanavy, S. A. M., Amini Dehaghi, M., Tabatabaei, S.A. and M. Moradi Ghahderijani, 2014. Improvement of yield, yield components and oil quality in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) by N-fixing bacteria fertilizers and urea. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 62 (4): 547-560.

Hosein Talaei, G. Amini Dehaghi, M. and B. Shokati, 2014.  Effects of biological fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of Cumin medicinal plant (Cuminum cyminum L.). International Journal of Biosciences, 4(11): 257-264.

Hosein Talaei, G. Gholami, S. Pishva, Z.K. and M. Amini Dehaghi, 2014. Effects of Biological and Chemical Fertilizers Nitrogen on Yield Quality and Quantity in Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.). Journal of Chemical Health Risks, 4(2): 55–64.

Fathi Amikihiz, K. Amini Dehaghi, M. and Heshmati, S. 2015. Antioxidant Enzymes and Physiological Responses of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) to Iron Application, under Water Deficit Condition. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 7(2): 203-209.

Doi: 10.15835/nsb.7.2.9456

Pishva, Z.K. Amini Dehaghi, M. and K. Agahi, 2015. The effect of parent plant nutrition on germination and vigor of seeds Balangu (Lallemantia royleana L.) under different irrigation periods. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 10(12):436-440. Doi: 10.22084/PPT.2017.2208

►Amini Dehaghi, M. Agahi, K. Talei, D. and M. Seddighi, 2015. Morpho-agronomical response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to foliar iron, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 21(6): 229-1234.

Pishva, Z. K. Amini Dehaghi, M. Gholami, S. and D. Talaei, 2015. Effect of biological nitrogen and chemical nitrogen fertilizer on yield quality and quantity of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.). International Journal of Biosciences (IJB), 5(1):14-20.

Amini Dehaghi, M. Aghi, K. and S. Kiani, 2017. Agro morphological response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to foliar application of potassium silicate. Biharean Biologist, 11(2): e151418.

Zarei, A. Masoud Sinaki, J. Amini Dehaghi, M. and Damavandei, A. 2018.  Changes in physiological traits and fatty acid composition in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars under various foliar application and drought stress conditions.  Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(5):6927-6944. DOI:

Ayoubizadeh, N. Laei, G. Amini Dehaghi, M. Masoud Sinaki, J and, Rezvan, S. 2018. Seed yield and fatty acids composition of sesame genotypes as affected by foliar application of iron nano-chelate and fulvic acid under drought stress. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(6):7585-7604. DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1606_75857604

Ahmadi, A., Amini Dehaghi, M. Fotokian, M. H., Sedghi, M. and S. Mansourifar. 2018. Evaluation of Biochemical characteristics of advanced lentil genotypes (Lens culinaris) under rainfed and low irrigation conditions. Journal of Biochemical Technology, Special Issue (2): 162-169.

Ahmadi, A., Amini Dehaghi, M. Fotokian, M. H., Sedghi, M. and S. Mansourifar. 2019. Evaluation of stress tolerance indices in a number of advanced genotypes of lentil (Lens culiaris Medik) under rainfed and low irrigation conditions. Plant Archives, 19: 490-499. e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210.

Masoudi Sadaghiani, F. Amini Dehaghi, M. Pirzad, A. and Fotokian, M. H. 2019. Variation in yield and biochemical factors of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) under foliar application of osmolytes and drought stress conditions. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 8(2): 90-100.  Doi: 10.15171/jhp.2019.15

► Mollafilabi, A., Davari,K. and  Amini Dehaghi, M. 2019. Saffron yield and quality as influenced by different irrigation methods. Scientia Agricola,.78(1): e20190084.


► Akbari, GA., Heshmati, S., Soltani, E., and Amini Dehaghi, M., 2019. Influence of seed priming on seed yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) grown under water deficit. International Journal of Plant Production,

Shafiee Adib. Sh., Amini Dehaghi, M., Rezazadeh, A. and   Naji, A. 2020. Evaluation of sulfur and foliar application of Zn and Fe on yield and biochemical factors of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) under irrigation regimes, Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 9(2): 161-170. Doi: 10.34172/jhp.2020.21

Pishva, ZK., Amini Dehaghi, M., Bostani, A. and  Naji, AM. 2020. Biological and chemical nitrogen fertilizer impact on cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) under different irrigation regimens. Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, 9(3): 209-217.

Doi: 10.34172/jhp.2020.27



Dr. Majid Amini Dehaghi

Shahed University

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